Today’s guest is Patty Laushman, founder of  Revenue Catapult and an expert at helping B2B companies create a sales process that puts their products in front of the prospects who need it the most. She’s here today to dispel the myth that salespeople can’t write good messaging, explain how a successful email marketing campaign will have your prospect excited to continue the conversation over the phone, and how she got started in the B2B market. This episode is a must-listen for any sales professional who wants to streamline their email engine and find a process that works!

Episode Highlights:

Patti’s introduction to working with the top of the sales funnel Why salespeople shouldn’t back down from the challenge of writing compelling messages Benefits versus features in sales messaging “Warming up the chill” using email marketing


Revenue Catapult Connect with Patty Laushman on Linkedin


“If you are focused on a niche you can craft a compelling message there. As long as the market actually wants to solve that problem.” - Patti
“I can’t write you a compelling story if you don’t have a compelling story” - Patti

“The email engine is a fabulous engine but if you put crap in it, you’re going to get crapped out of it.” - Marylou