Discover the power of storytelling and become memorable and magnetic to win the sale with your unique emotional hook!

"People buy emotionally and back it up with logic. You're not telling a story. People forget numbers. But when you tell a story, you become memorable and magnetic, and then they start to go, okay, now we see the solution to our problems." - John Livesay.

John Livesay is an incredible keynote speaker and the author of "Better Selling Through Storytelling" and "The Sale is in the Tail." He is an expert in crafting compelling stories to win new business and motivate sales teams.

John Livesay worked at Conde Nast, selling advertising to prominent clients like Lexus. When it came time to pitch their products, he realized whoever told the best story would get the sale. So he tapped into his advertising background and crafted clear, concise, and compelling stories.

As a result, John was hired to speak at Lexus's sales meetings and teach their teams how to tell stories to sell more. Through this, he discovered that people buy emotionally and back it up with logic. John's stories gave him an edge, and he was able to help an architecture firm win a billion-dollar airport renovation.

By putting the customer at the center of the story and focusing on conveying the emotion behind it, John helps us discover the power of storytelling.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

How John discovered that people buy with emotion and then back it up with logicShould storytelling be the number one skill that leaders should developHow to recognize and create stories in a businessHow storytelling can be used to win salesHow to tell stories with your four structures of storiesThe mistakes to avoid when presentingHow to craft a story that tugs at heartstringsHow to create a playlist of stories for different buyer personasHow to turn case studies into case stories to win business pitchesAnd much, much more.