Welcome back to Predictable B2B Success, the podcast that dives deep into the strategies behind successful business-to-business ventures. In today's highly anticipated episode, we're joined by Riaz Kanani, a trailblazer in advertising and marketing technology with over 20 years of experience. Get ready to discover cutting-edge insights as Riaz unravels the intricacies of account-based advertising and its pivotal role in today's noisy marketplace.

Have you ever considered why your traditional marketing efforts may falter in an era of rapidly evolving buyer behavior? Riaz discusses how personalized experiences and a shift in marketing strategies can counteract these challenges. He also sheds light on the potential of AI agents to revolutionize how businesses engage their audience. Host Vinay Koshy questions the validity of conventional B2B approaches and explores the creative guerrilla tactics necessary to thrive in modern marketing environments.

Prepare to rethink everything you thought you knew about B2B success as Riaz predicts the future of marketing and provides actionable steps to navigate these changes. Are you leveraging your data effectively? Is your personal branding geared for consultative success? Do you know how to connect with potential clients? Tune in to find out and elevate your marketing game.

Some areas we explore in this podcast include:

The Role and Effectiveness of Account-Based AdvertisingThe Importance of Personal Branding in B2B Sales and DevelopmentStrategies for Engaging Potential Buyers with LinkedIn AdvertisingCrafting Marketing Plans for Individual Accounts in ABMThe Importance of Quality Data in ABM CampaignsThe Evolution of Buyer Behaviors and Its Impact on MarketingUtilization of Artificial Intelligence and GPT Technology in MarketingThe Importance of Events and Face-to-Face Interactions in a Digital WorldBuilding and Scalability Challenges in the B2B EnvironmentLeveraging Communities and Intent Data for Revenue Growth in B2B MarketingAnd much, much more...