In this episode of Predictable B2B Success, we delve into the dynamic world of B2B marketing with Ed Forteau. Learn how Ed transitions clients from 3-figure to 4 or 5-figure monthly retainers through simple conversations and trust-building over six months to 2 years. He emphasizes the significance of focusing on metrics, the challenges of reaching inboxes, and the art of balancing spam regulations while persuading email recipients. Discover the key to achieving high email deliverability rates and Ed's unique approach. But that's not all – uncover Ed's strategies for leveraging platforms like LinkedIn to build genuine relationships and convert them into thriving business opportunities. 

Sit back and absorb Ed's valuable insights that will transform your B2B marketing approach. For a sneak peek into the future, don't miss out on his upcoming newsletter, "Inbox with Ed," which focuses on changes in email marketing and what needs to be in place for success. Whether you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or sales professional, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking predictable B2B success.

Some areas we explore in this episode include:

Transitioning clients from a 3-figure to a four or 5-figure monthly retainer through trust-building and conversations.Email deliverability and its importance in marketing strategy.Building relationships and converting them into business opportunities on platforms like LinkedIn.The critical role of social media in B2B success.Developing a more personal relationship with clients to retain them and increase their loyalty.Authenticating and setting up emails correctly to avoid being marked as spam or blocked by mailbox providers.Building engagement and trust with mailbox providers through content amplification.Tailoring individual approach over mass email sends to engage in genuine conversations.The challenges and regulations faced in cold email outreach.Niche targeting and addressing the actual problems of ideal clients for business success.And much, much more.