Commissioning art for a tabletop game is one of those things that can be outside a designer's comfort zone and I've had a load of questions about it.  To try to explain how to articulate your needs, find an artist, estimate a budget and compose a brief, I spent slightly over an hour in monologue about this subject.

I was going to do a feedback episode, but I got too tied up with other tasks this week, so we'll have the feedback episode in a couple of weeks.  The good news is that I've not had any lawyers or financial experts get in touch to tell me my episode about VAT was substantially incorrect, yet!

Here are some links to websites or portfolios of some of the artists I talk about in this episode:

John Blanche

Ian Miller

Karl Kopinski

Jon "BrotherOstavia" Gonzalez

Jessada Sutthi 

Nicolas Giacondino 

David Sondered 

Tan Ho Sim