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PA503 Psalm 74:1-23 mp3 In this psalm, the temple is desecrated and the land invaded by a foreign power. Yet which event at what time was this? We reject the idea of some modern critics that it was the time of the Maccabees and Antiochus Epiphanes. Yet when was it, then? The Babylonian captivity and […]

PA503 Psalm 74:1-23 mp3

In this psalm, the temple is desecrated and the land invaded by a foreign power. Yet which event at what time was this? We reject the idea of some modern critics that it was the time of the Maccabees and Antiochus Epiphanes. Yet when was it, then? The Babylonian captivity and destruction of the temple? We suggest it was the very first under King Shishak of Egypt in the days of Solomon’s son Rehoboam. The Psalmist bemoans God casting them off. There are men famous for having helped build the temple, yet now it is being torn apart. The enemies taunted them and blasphemed God, and yet He did not speak or act. The psalmist remembers all the great things God did in creation, and at the Exodus from Egypt. Now he calls on Him to go into action again to spare His house and His people.