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Next Episode: Psalm 30:1-31:24

PA468 Psalm 28:1-29:11 mp3 Psalms Series 15 In this message, David asks the LORD in Psalm 28 not to be silent, nor to drag him away with the wicked. Jehovah hears him, and is the strength of His people. In Psalm 29, he calls on the mighty to give glory to Yahweh. He praises the […]

PA468 Psalm 28:1-29:11 mp3

Psalms Series 15

In this message, David asks the LORD in Psalm 28 not to be silent, nor to drag him away with the wicked. Jehovah hears him, and is the strength of His people. In Psalm 29, he calls on the mighty to give glory to Yahweh. He praises the voice of the LORD for all its mighty power. Yehovah sat as King at the flood, and will sit as King throughout the Olam. Yahweh will strengthen His people and give them peace.