Previous Episode: Matthew 27:27-44
Next Episode: Matthew 27:62-28:10

PA427 Matthew 27:45-61 mp3 In this message, as the Lord hangs on the cross, there is darkness over the land from noon to three o’clock. The Lord cries out from the cross, and we discuss the seven statements the Lord made from the cross that are recorded in the four gospels. The soldiers give Him […]

PA427 Matthew 27:45-61 mp3

In this message, as the Lord hangs on the cross, there is darkness over the land from noon to three o’clock. The Lord cries out from the cross, and we discuss the seven statements the Lord made from the cross that are recorded in the four gospels. The soldiers give Him drink, thinking He had called on Elijah. The Lord dies, a great earthquake takes place, and the veil in the temple is torn in two. Certain graves are broken open, and after His resurrection, those in them come to life and leave their tombs, appearing to many in Jerusalem. The women were watching all this. Joseph of Arimathea comes to Pilate to ask the Lord’s body. Receiving permission, he takes it down, wraps it in rich cloths, lays it in his own, new tomb, and rolls a stone over the entrance. The women watch all this.