Previous Episode: Matthew 26:1-16
Next Episode: Matthew 26:30-46

PA421 Matthew 26:17-29 mp3 Matthew Series 62 In this message, the Lord sends two of His disciples to prepare a place for them to keep the Passover. When the time comes, He arrives with the rest of the disciples and they celebrate the festival. The Lord reveals that one of them is going to betray […]

PA421 Matthew 26:17-29 mp3

Matthew Series 62

In this message, the Lord sends two of His disciples to prepare a place for them to keep the Passover. When the time comes, He arrives with the rest of the disciples and they celebrate the festival. The Lord reveals that one of them is going to betray Him, which makes them very sorrowful, as well as introspective. The Lord reveals to Judas that He knows he is the traitor. The Lord gives the bread and the cup of the Passover a new significance. We discuss just what the Lord was doing, and how that affects us today.