Previous Episode: Matthew 24:34-42
Next Episode: Matthew 25:14-30

PA417 Matthew 24:43-25:13 mp3 Matthew Series 58 In this message, the Lord warns His servants to be ready for His coming in the parousia, for those who are not ready may be cut out of His presence. He illustrates this by the parable of the wise and foolish virgins who went to meet the bridegroom. […]

PA417 Matthew 24:43-25:13 mp3

Matthew Series 58

In this message, the Lord warns His servants to be ready for His coming in the parousia, for those who are not ready may be cut out of His presence. He illustrates this by the parable of the wise and foolish virgins who went to meet the bridegroom. The wise brought oil for their lights, and the foolish did not. When the bridegroom came at midnight, the wise woke, restarted their lights, and went to meet him, but the lights of the foolish had gone out. They ask for light from the wise, but they don’t have enough, and advise them to go to the sellers. Alas, it is too late, and they cannot enter the wedding. So the Lord warns His servants to watch.