PA453 Galatians 6:6-18 mp3 In this message, Paul insists that what one sows he will reap, so he urges them to sow to the Spirit to reap eonian life. He writes to them with a very large hand, and we discuss why. Those who want to circumcise them just want to boast over them, but […]

PA453 Galatians 6:6-18 mp3

In this message, Paul insists that what one sows he will reap, so he urges them to sow to the Spirit to reap eonian life. He writes to them with a very large hand, and we discuss why. Those who want to circumcise them just want to boast over them, but Paul only boasts in the cross of Christ. Circumcision or uncircumcision is not important, but a new creation. Paul bore the marks of the Lord Jesus in his body…what does this mean? Paul closes out this important book of Galatians.