PA446 Galatians 5:1-8 mp3 In this message, Paul comes to the climax of his argument against the Galatians being circumcised: if they do this, Christ will be of no profit to them! After all, those who are circumcised now owe God to keep the entire law, and so Christ’s sacrifice to forgive them for not […]

PA446 Galatians 5:1-8 mp3

In this message, Paul comes to the climax of his argument against the Galatians being circumcised: if they do this, Christ will be of no profit to them! After all, those who are circumcised now owe God to keep the entire law, and so Christ’s sacrifice to forgive them for not keeping the law is made void. In Christ, all is not about uncircumcision or circumcision, but faith working through love. They started well in faith; why now are they hindered? Those who trouble them will bear judgment. If Paul still proclaims circumcision, like some claim, why is he still being persecuted? This ends the cross’s offense. Paul wishes these troubles would be severed! The law is fulfilled in loving one another, but they are biting and devouring one another!