PA445 Galatians 4:17-31 mp3 In this message, the Judaizers zealously seek the Galatians, but not for their good, Paul warns. It is good to be zealous for what is good, Paul affirms, yet he wishes to be with them to change his tone, since he stands in doubt of them. To those who desire to […]

PA445 Galatians 4:17-31 mp3

In this message, the Judaizers zealously seek the Galatians, but not for their good, Paul warns. It is good to be zealous for what is good, Paul affirms, yet he wishes to be with them to change his tone, since he stands in doubt of them. To those who desire to be under the law, he brings forward the example of Hagar and Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac. They are the children of promise; it makes no sense to want to become instead the children of the bondwoman.