Previous Episode: Black Lives Matter

Study of Scripture:  James 1:20; Genesis 4:3-10; Genesis 9:1-7  

Did you know that GOD holds us accountable for unjust killings?

Legislation 4 Leroy is Preacher Man Milo’s agenda for addressing a problem in America’s Criminal Justice System. This problem is specific to Black lives and unjust killings. 

Milo calls this problem “The Reasonable Suspicion Paradox.” 

The Biblical basis for today’s study focuses first on Cain’s murder of his own brother.  Thereafter, the text turns to God’s demand for an accounting of every unjust killing.


“Black Lives Matter”was the previous Bible study on this podcast. Simply click the link below to listen!!

Black Lives Matter (A Bible study settling the debate between Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter) Link: