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Study of Scripture:  Acts 9-1-19; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 1:18,27

Today’s study is all about getting our vision back on track by connecting the foolishness of the Christian faith to this coronavirus pandemic.

In 2019, we all had high hopes for 2020 but it hasn’t turned out as we hoped and it feels like we are going crazy. However, in this episode, Preacher Man Milo reminds us that COVID cannot cause us to lose our minds because we have already lost them to Christ.

Foolishness is, in fact, fundamental to the Christian faith and we need to let 2020 recalibrate our vision, looking for the foolishness of God and reminding ourselves of our renewed minds in Christ. 

Discussion Summary:

___ discusses Paul’s conversion, when Jesus instantly became his Lord and how he "lost his mind" to Christ. At the end, using the acrostic of the word “CRAZY”

 ___ gives five practical ways to do crazy things for Christ during this strange "shelter-in-place" season.

Topics Covered: 

·         How we pictured 2020 in 2019 (2:19) 

·         Foolishness is a fundamental factor of the faith (6:05)

·         We have been foolish to put our trust in this world (9:45)

·         We can’t lose our minds because of COVID because of Christ (12:18)

·         Paul’s conversion and losing his mind to Christ (14:13)

·         Jesus revealed himself to Paul as the resurrected Jesus (18:04)

·         God did not change Saul’s name to Paul (18:51)

·         Paul’s companions and the blind leading the blind (20:00)

·         God sends Ananias to Paul and renews his vision (21:43)

·         Romans 12:1-2 (25:11)

·         Crazy love for our children  (31:51) 

·         Romantically - gut, guide and guard your heart (34:37)

·         Ask God about your anxiousness (36:19)

·         Zoom in on God’s plan for your life (38:16)

·         You need to focus on you (40:50)

·         Homework: Read Acts 9:1-19 and Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 1 (46:28)
 Key Quotes:

 “All too often we forget that God, in his sovereign authority and in his holy nature, made crazy a characteristic of the Christian because God made foolishness a fundamental factor of the Christian faith.”

“It is impossible for me to lose my mind because of the coronavirus pandemic. It is impossible for me to lose my mind because of COVID crazies. Why? Because I already lost my mind to Jesus Christ.”

“We have to slow down and view our lives in the view of God’s mercy.”

“Coronavirus didn’t make us crazy. It was used to help us get foolish in our faith and be crazy about Christ and apply the Word of God to practical choices in our life.”

Other Bible Studies:

Click the link below to listen to other popular Bible studies on this podcast!

The Divorce Investment (A Bible study about dealing and healing from the damages of divorce) Link:

Ravi (A Bible study tackling the topic of teenage suicide) Link:

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