This isn't just about our outward appearance, we do it for all areas of what makes us, us!

I don't want myself or any other girls/women out there, beating themselves up anymore. So let's come together this week and pray about it.

Join me this week as we pray that God will help us see the beautiful masterpiece he created when he made us.


1) Pay attention to compliments people give you this week. I have been praying God sends plenty. Then if you can write them down, or even look in the mirror and repeat them.

2) Try your darndest to refrain from telling others why that compliment is undeserved.

3) When you are talking to others, resist the urge to point out your flaws and weaknesses.

4) Listen to Prayers From a Mom Podcast this week Monday-Thursday as we pray that we begin to see all the good things that make us who we are, inside and out!



Why am I my own worst critic? I can see everyone else's amazing qualities but not my own. Show me what is at the core of my insecurities so that I move past them and do the work you have set before me. I don't want anything to hold me back, especially not myself. Help me accept me for whom you made me to be. I know I can't love others well if I do not love myself.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Matthew 22:37-40

Exodus 3 

Summary: Moses doesn't think he is qualified enough and gives God all the reasons why he can't do what God is asking him to do.

Exodus 4 Signs of the Lord’s Power

Philippians 4:6-9

1 Peter 2:9


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