This week we focused on taking our thoughts captive. We hear that saying often and it sounds easy enough, but it doesn't come naturally to most. I can honestly say it isn't my first reaction when I hear something that upsets me. But after hitting a season of life that was harder than most seasons, I had to teach myself this valuable tool. I do believe it is a tool that God has given us, we get to make the choice to use it or not. Like all new skills, we have to practice to get good at it. If you do these things I talk about this week, you will be taking your thoughts captive in no time.

10 Things that help me:

Tell God exactly what is bothering me.

Ask the Holy Spirit to expose the root of the problem.

Learn to sit in quiet, just breathing and listening for God.

Pay attention to triggers.

Write down my thoughts.

Find scripture to replace negative thoughts.

Be careful with what I am putting in my heart and mind.

Own my mistakes.

Stop taking myself so seriously and have fun.

Write down or say out loud one thing I am grateful for each day.

This Weeks Prayer:

Father, My mind is on overdrive and I want to stop worrying. Your word says I can take my thoughts captive and teach them to obey you. Holy Spirit, help me to be still and know you are God. Help me sit in your presence and recognize your voice louder than any others. When rebellious thoughts fill my mind, I know I have the power to replace them with what your word says. Lord, when my children have thoughts that don't align with your truth, give me the right words to replace their negative thinking, so that they can fix their thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Thank you for the peace that exceeds understanding when we take our thoughts captive.

I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.

Scriptures to Pray This Week:

Psalms 46

Be still and know I am God

2 Corinthians 10:5

Take every thought captive.

Philippians 4:4-9

Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.


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