There are many things our kids struggle with that we can relate to because we've already been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.But social media is one thing that we can not relate to because it didn't exist yet. We thought we had it bad when we wrote about our crush in a letter and it ended up in the wrong hands. Now that same thing can be exposed to thousands of others in seconds. And it isn't just their thoughts or feelings being exposed, it's inappropriate photos from one impulsive mistake. Not to mention predators trying to entice our kids to become friends with them. If you let yourself think on this topic too long, you can get worked up real quick. But we can't just ignore it or avoid allowing our kids to have any social media. If your kid has access to an electronic device they are vulnerable to all sorts of exposure. So what can we do to help? Hold off on giving them a device as long as possible. I recommend having open, age-appropriate conversations with them often. Check their devices on a routine basis. But even with all that, these kids are clever and you can't protect them from themselves or others 100% of the time. That is why we have to bring it to God in prayer.


This Weeks Prayer:


I am overwhelmed with the possibilities of trouble that my kids can get into when they have social media. I want to protect them and guard their heart as long as possible but I know even my best efforts aren't 100%. I pray you send your angels on assignment to protect them from harmful things that try to attack through their electronics. Give me the wisdom to know when and what I should allow my child access to. Give me discernment to know when something unhealthy is happening on their device. Help me teach my kids that they might have access to the world on their phones, but it doesn't mean everything is good for them. Help me explain it in a way that makes sense to them so that they make the choice to avoid harmful things. Lord, if my kids are doing anything they shouldn't on their devices, bring the darkness to light so that we can work through it as a family. If my child has an unhealthy attachment to their technology and social media, show me how to help them break it. Father, there are so many concerns I can't even think of all the negative possibilities, but I trust you Lord. I trust you are protecting my kids and keeping them safe. I know whatever happens you will use it for good somehow.

I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.


Scriptures to Pray This Week:

1 Corinthians 10:23 NLT

You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.


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