So this week we are praying for the men in our life- our husbands, sons, sons-in-law, grandson, dad, father-in-law, grandfather, uncle, brother, I think you get the point.

We are praying for their mental and physical health. Their focus and direction in life and for the responsibilities they carry on their shoulders.


1) Ask God to show you things from his (whomever you are praying for) perspective.

2) Be more attentive this week.

3) When you see your man stressing, do something kind for him.

4) Take on one of his responsibilities this week as an act of love toward him.

5) Listen to Prayers From a Mom this week and pray along with us as we pray for the men in our life.



I lift up the men in my life. You know who they are and exactly what they need. Guide them in making good decisions for themselves and their family. When they are tired and stressed, give them strength and courage to keep showing up and doing the right thing. I rebuke the lies the enemy is trying to convince them of, that things are hopeless and will never change. Protect them in everything they do. I pray they trust you with their whole heart and you show them which path to take.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Genesis 3:17

Proverbs 3:5-10

Hebrews 11:1-2 (Great Examples of Faith)

Psalms 139


ENJOY THE HOLIDAY CHALLENGE, 25 Days of Great Joy for Christmas

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