Join me this week as we pray together that the teenage years are something you and your family make it out of with a stronger relationship with each other and closer to God.

Day 3: Self-harming

(Psalms 69)


Ask God to help you understand what they are going through, for eyes to see things the way they see them. Remember that they are usually just as confused about what is going on in their body as you are. Their body and hormones are new to them. If we as women have a hard time controlling our emotions for one week out of the month, how much harder is it for them? Be a good listener, ask questions to show interest, not for prying purposes. I know it's hard to tell the difference. Don't hide what's happening. Talk about things openly. Seek help when needed. Listen to Prayers From a Mom Podcast this week Monday-Thursday as we pray for understanding and wisdom to handle all these hard things.



I know you know my kids better than anyone. These teenage years are no surprise to you. Lord, you created their bodies and the desires inside them to grow and mature into adulthood. Lord, I am struggling to help them embrace these changes and keep them from doing things outside of your will for them. I need your wisdom and guidance as their Father to help me create healthy boundaries that allow them to mature into adulthood. Keep my children safe from themselves and others while they are figuring life out. I can't do this without you Lord. I am trusting you through the process.

In Jesus' Name, Amen!


1 Timothy 4:12-13

Esther 2:1-14

Luke 6:27-36 (Love for Enemies)

Psalms 69

Genesis 2 and 3


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