So this week we are praying for our kid's ability to focus when needed. We will help them discover what is causing the distractions and help them with possible solutions.


1) Ask your kids what they are thinking about when they are not able to focus.

2) Make a list of their answers and organize the answers by "things they can control" and "things out of their control".

3) Help them come up with possible solutions or systems for the easier things distracting them. Let them take the lead in brainstorming. Your job is to help them facilitate if needed.

4) If the thoughts are negative self-talk, help them find replacement thoughts. Keep it simple.

5) Teach your kids to meditate. This trains the brain to be still and quiet for short periods of time. Help them recognize where their mind wanders and how to process what they should do with that thought.

6) Listen to Prayers From a Mom Podcast to pray for their ability to focus.



Thank you for the beautiful gift you have given me as a mother of these children. Help me speak life-giving words to them as I guide them through each season of life. I am in awe of the love you have for me and my family. You know every move, good and bad we will make and yet you still make a way for us to be with you for eternity. Help me make the best of every opportunity I have as a mother to teach my kids to believe in the person you have created them to be and the path you have set out before them. Show me the root of my child's insecurities and doubt so that I can help weed out what is not from you and build up the confidence in the gifts you have given them. Teach my kids that their strength and courage to be who you have created them to be comes from you.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Proverbs 4:25-27

Hebrews 12:1-2

Deuteronomy 30:9-14

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Matthew 8:24-27

John 15:1-8


ENJOY THE HOLIDAY CHALLENGE, 25 Days of Great Joy for Christmas

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