This week we are praying about our time, how we spend it, how to balance all the pressures of work, home and parenting duties. 


It's ALOT and many of us are worn out and tired of doing so much, but we don't know how to turn it off. 


What better way to get a grip on it than talking to the ONE who created time and blessed us with the life we have. 



Day 1: Work/home life balance

I searched for scriptures to tell me how to balance my time and I mostly found things saying work is good.


Day 2: When do we shut it off?

Mark 2:23-3:6


Day 3: Are you busy all the time?

Luke 14:28-31

1 Corinthians 7:20


Day 4: God, help us find our sweet spot!

While reading this scripture, God revealed what I had been asking him all week... Why do I feel the need to work all the time? 

Matthew 11:28



Spend time with God with no agenda. Just be in his presence on a regular basis. Sitting with Jesus is all he asks of us. 


Assess your time and see what you are spending it on. Sometimes we don't realize how much time we spend in certain areas. 


Put up boundaries to help you protect your time. I took email notifications off my phone this week and was shocked at how often I had been checking and responding to emails from my phone.


Make a list of things you can do after you shut work/chores off to rest and enjoy your family and home life.


Join us this week, Monday-Thursday, as we pray that we can find some balance between work and home life.




Dear Jesus, 

I know my schedule is out of whack, I have over-committed in all areas of my life and I feel like I do not have enough time in the day to unplug and enjoy my life. I want more time to talk and laugh with those I love most. As I spend time with you, show me what I should say YES to and what I need to say NO to. I don't want to sacrifice my family at the expense of trying to please others. Help me discover why I feel like I need to be productive all the time and how to turn it off so I can rest in your presence more. 

In Jesus' Name, Amen!



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