So this week we are praying that we discover the purpose behind all the holiday traditions we participate in each year.


1) Take note of the traditions you do each year.

2) As you participate in your traditions, talk to your family about the meaning and purpose behind each one. If you don't know, look it up.

3) Get rid of any traditions that you have always done but do not have any significance to you or your family. (If they are a bother to you)

4) Add in a new tradition you've discovered for your family. Something from the past or create something new just for your family.

5) Listen to Prayers From a Mom this week and pray along with us as we pray and discover the meaning behind our holiday traditions.



As I plan and prepare this year for Christmas, help me discover the significance behind the traditions we do each year. Lord, I want You to be the focus of the season. Show me how to share these traditions with my family and friends so that they understand the true reason for the season too. Remind me each day that everything we do to prepare for the holidays is with great joy and anticipation for the day you were born into this world and the day you will come again.

In Jesus Name, Amen!


Isaiah 40:28-31

Luke 2:1-24 NLT (The Birth of Jesus)


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