The news of Texas covered today includes:

Our Lone Star story of the day: It was fun today watching as the Democrat district attorney for Harris County pulled the rug out from under the Democrat-aligned Texas press over Gov. Abbott’s request yesterday that Harris County elections be investigated.

Stories with headlines like “State GOP Leaders At Odds With Harris County Officials Over Election Issues Announce Investigations” lost power today with this: Harris County elections: DA Ogg will investigate voting issues. She’s even asked for the Texas Rangers, as did Abbott, to conduct the investigation(s). And then you have the type of thing to would indicate maybe there is bad stuff going on: [Harris Co.] Judge Hidalgo Calls State Investigation of Harris County Elections ‘Harassment,’ Dangerous. Frankly all government activity should always be open to audit and investigation.

Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.

Trump is running in 2024. Can he stay focused? There’s not much evidence of late that he can. I’m in agreement with Rick Perry on “show me what you got.

Answer to yesterday’s question “More border bull from Abbott or, real action?” sadly appears to be more border bull. Two more press releases (1 & 2) poured out from Abbott’s office but it appears nothing is changing. More interestingly is the Border Patrol’s request for Texas to allow its agents to enforce state law. Let state assets enforce federal immigration law and we can talk!

Rep. Patterson’s make Austin a state district tweet upset liberals.

And, other news of Texas.

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