Our July episode about The Long Utopia, fourth of the Long Earth series, is going to be late! To tide you over for the next week or so, here’s a long footnote of a bonus episode presenting a quick recap of the Long Earth so far.

Was this helpful? Would you like a recap like this for any of the other series we cover? Do you dare us to do this for the Discworld series as whole? (Please don’t...) Let us know what you think, using the hashtag #PratchatPreviously on social media, or get in touch via email or our subscriber Discord.

As mentioned by Ben at the top of this footnote, Liz and Ben appeared alongside hosts from The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret and Who Watches the Watch on the June 18th episode of Al Kennedy’s Pratchett interview podcast Desert Island Discworld, “7A.1 Discworld Podcasters and Eric”.

Our own discussion of Eric is #Pratchat7, “All the Fingle Ladies”, from May 2018.

Our next episode is still #Pratchat69, with Deanne Sheldon-Collins discussing The Long Utopia. Watch out for it in mid July.

Our July episode about The Long Utopia, fourth of the Long Earth series, is going to be late! To tide you over for the next week or so, here’s a long footnote of a bonus episode presenting a quick recap of the Long Earth so far.

Was this helpful? Would you like a recap like this for any of the other series we cover? Do you dare us to do this for the Discworld series as whole? (Please don’t…) Let us know what you think, using the hashtag #PratchatPreviously on social media, or get in touch via email or our subscriber Discord.

As mentioned by Ben at the top of this footnote, Liz and Ben appeared alongside hosts from The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret and Who Watches the Watch on the June 18th episode of Al Kennedy’s Pratchett interview podcast Desert Island Discworld, “7A.1 Discworld Podcasters and Eric”.

Our own discussion of Eric is #Pratchat7, “All the Fingle Ladies”, from May 2018.

Our next episode is still #Pratchat69, with Deanne Sheldon-Collins discussing The Long Utopia. Watch out for it in mid July.

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