It's a second instalment of the Pratchat Eeek Club! Each year, on the Glorious 25th of May, we release a bonus episode discussing Terry Pratchett-related topics selected by our “Eeek” tier subscribers.

This year, the topics are:

What was good, fun and enjoyable about The Watch?

Is Vimes a Cynic, a Stoic, or an Epicurean?

What was Granny Weatherwax and Ridcully's relationship like, and why didn't it continue?

What pop culture would you have liked to have seen referenced in a Discworld novel?

What moments from the series hit you personally because of a personal experience?

If democracy came to Ankh-Morpork, what political parties would we see?

A big thank you to all our subscribers for making Pratchat possible, but especially to our Eeek Club contributors: Graham, Frank, Cath (and Eddy), Steph, Jess and Ellie, Karl and Soren!

You'll find detailed notes and errata for this episode on our website.

Want to make sure we get through every Pratchett book - or even choose a topic for next year's Eeek Club? You can support Pratchat by subscribing for as little as $2 a month and get access to bonus stuff, including the exclusive supporter podcast Ook Club! Click here to find out more.

It’s a second instalment of the Pratchat Eeek Club! Each year, on the Glorious 25th of May, we release a bonus episode discussing Terry Pratchett-related topics selected by our “Eeek” tier subscribers.

This year, the topics are:

What was good, fun and enjoyable about The Watch?
Is Vimes a Cynic, a Stoic, or an Epicurean?
What was Granny Weatherwax and Ridcully’s relationship like, and why didn’t it continue?
What pop culture would you have liked to have seen referenced in a Discworld novel?
What moments from the series hit you personally because of a personal experience?
If democracy came to Ankh-Morpork, what political parties would we see?

A big thank you to all our subscribers for making Pratchat possible, but especially to our Eeek Club contributors: Graham, Frank, Cath (and Eddy), Steph, Jess and Ellie, Karl and Soren!

You’ll find detailed notes and errata for this episode on our website.

Want to make sure we get through every Pratchett book – or even choose a topic for next year’s Eeek Club? You can support Pratchat by subscribing for as little as $2 a month and get access to bonus stuff, including the exclusive supporter podcast Ook Club! Click here to find out more.