"Achievement Unlocked" -
This is what I've been saying to friends and peers within the Occult community about my interview with Tommie Kelly.  Cheekiness aside- I've admired Tommie's Podcast (RSS) and his Blog, Adventures In WooWoo, for quite some time.   Recently, his custom arcana THE FORTY SERVANTS, have been bopping their beautifully illustrated heads throughout my mystical studies revealing themselves as a modern achievement in custom magicks; a creation that has been realized for wide-application amongst modern practitioners.

Tommie and I have nearly an identical trajectory within the confluence of Art and Magick - we are both tour-weary musicians having recalibrated our creative pursuits towards writing, podcasting and creating comic books- albeit my first comic is still in progress and he's published multiple! There's a mutual trajectory both in our artistic journeys, but also in our metaphysical paths, too, as we both birthed our beginnings as Chaos Magicians into artistic expression. We share the need to "get-out-of-the-way" of our creative fervor by utilizing magicks within a multitude of creative mediums and stop overthinking so damn much.

Those of you who have been keeping up with PRAGMAGICK know that I've been wrestling with my Chaos Magick beginnings; having the "crisis of faith" (the irony is not lost on me) about Chaos Magick's modern identity and the tenets imposed on this "ronin-like" practice by modern practitioners.  But Tommie helped me revitalize my Chaote pride by simply reminding me that true Chaos Magick does illicit devotion and belief   (piety) when orchestrating the rituals and practices of other "WooWoo" devotions - and not to get too mucked up in the mire of its modern bouts of "appropriation" and labels.

– Revel Rosz

Tommie Kelly's PATREON
Tommie Kelly's The 40 Servants
Tommie Kelly on COMIXOLOGY
Tommie Kelly Podcast / Soundcloud