View the Ritual and its VIDEOMANCY

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WE THE HALLOWED Magick/Art Collective:

This is Pragmagick Episode features the full PROSPECTRE (Audiomancy) Ritual performed and documented on 3/23. This working is the "thridscene" (∴) for my living, multi-media grimoire, HAUNT MANUAL:

"This is PART 1 of an inner-episodic series concerning the Prospectre Ritual: its decoding of its paranormal transmissions and ritual results, interviews discussing its hypotheses (am I communicating with ultraterriestrials, pareidolia, Holy Guardian Angels or the SUPRA-SELF?) all connected to the multi-media grimoire, Haunt Manual. This is the third working (Spectre / Aspectre/ PROSPECTRE) that utilizes my audiomancy with a spirit box to commune with the "other". Next episode I speak with Wren Collier about The ALW CIPHER & NAEQ.IO, a tool I used to decipher the Prospectre's spirit box transmissions while punch-pondering about ultraterrestials, the confluence of the occult and ufology, personal folklore and more."

The HAUNT MANUAL anarchic lexicon thus far:

Hauntomancy is my praxis that mixes audiomancy (sound or musick sorcery) and other magickal means to hauntologically e/invoke the ghosts of past-selves for varying intentions.
These Hauntomancy workings are usually done in rituals I have termed “Dim Sessions” - a long practiced audiomancy ritual to “Dim The Tzim-Tzum” or help diminish the contraction of the preternatural that creates our perceivable reality.
These Dim Sessions are performed with carefully chosen talismans and instrumentation called “Sceptres” specific to their invocation intention. These are my vajra, my charged instruments of application. These are performed in my musickal and magickal space called “The

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