"SAUDADE", a Portuguese term that, according to Wikipedia, is "a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return."

Our guest on this episode of The PRAGMAGICK Cast, GABRIEL HART believes "Saudade" is the essence of the creative process, and I couldn't agree more.  Hart, the main reveler in the neo-noir rock'n'roll gang, JAIL WEDDINGS, chats about his recent exodus into the high desert.  Leaving behind his rollicking Echo Park days and venturing into the writer's world as a newfound desert dweller.

His new "novelette' NOTHING TO SEE HERE is another entry into his "Anti-Tourism Propaganda" that follows the follies of protagonists Conor and Luna as they adjust to their newfound Desert dwelling.

It's true that I've been a fan of his music for over a decade.  However, his writings have proven to be another inspirational addition to the folklore of an artist I truly admire.  So Slither Hither Weirdos and Witches and let's dive deep into the noir universe of Mr. Gabriel Hart.  Below is my full review of his new book...

There’s a timbre that kicks and spits throughout Gabe Hart’s city-boy-death-knell, NOTHING TO SEE HERE his new "novelette" (chapbook?). It rumbles in a plaintive prose akin to the mid-tempo reflections of the outlaw country music of yesteryear.  Similarly, he's gifted with an almost unnerving plain-speak, wrought with the rough and tumble of crooked Americana.  And like all good country music, NTSH yearns for some sort of redemptive resolve. It’s fitting, then, that this testimonial rhythm would birth from a crooner-come-author such as Hart.

When he's not the the frontman for the notorious neo-noir ensemble Jail Weddings, he spends his days drifting in the desert  winds of his newfound home of the Morongo Valley, the setting for NTSH.

Hart's own LA purge seems to have shellac'd the confines of his new literary works.  Whether it's the torrid concrete jungle of LA or the dark desert dunes of the Morongo Valley, Hart further explores the seediness of the California underbelly.  It's a journey that is sometimes hilarious horror-show, sometimes metaphysical ramble.  Truly, a  whole new mess of folly is found in Hart's, err, "Conor's" new life.

Conor and Luna stew in the novelette’s  vignettes throughout these few pages.  The couple battles the Morongo yokels and desert folk (think Crazy Randy or Confederate Casper) as they shimmy into their digs.  However, these new adversaries often reveal to be harrowing ghosts of Connor and Luna's possible future in Morongo. Therefore, these desert rambles reveal a union in shambles...

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