Shalom folks, it's been a while!  Before I introduce this next guest I just wanted to address some recent creative movements. I've taken quite the hit, mentally, these days and have taken time off output since the release of the audio sigil. Those of you subscribed to the podcast version of this will have already been privy to the new We The Hallowed audio sigil I released late August, and  you were privy to the sigil as one full length track, devoid of any outer pomp or circumstance.

I hope those that enjoyed it also enjoyed my chat with Niish on the Cosmic Salon, discussing and dissecting my praxis of tethering all the wonderful pieces together by creating a sub album to bind the audiomancy from magicians such as Carl Abrahamsson, Vanessa Sinclair, Michelle Embree, Niish, Saroth The Mage and more. You can still download the sigil, track by track, at accompanied with the great Eric Millar's high quality pdf.  But please, listen to the sigil in one 45 minute sitting.

Today's guest I know quite well and have followed his career, well, his entire life.  Kamen Ross is a fellow trickster, licking his lips to the wild fancies of brilliant artistic expressions.  From his seminal work in the band Sexy Coyote, to his recent frenetic piano record entitled, Kamen, Ross is truly  a musician that rips through theoreticals and dips well into the raditudes.  Though this chat was recorded this summer during our respective mad seasons, his recent self-titled album came out September 9th.  And as Kamen ends his sojourn in South Korea, and as we move through this autumnal swing, I highly recommend taking this album on walk, and run, and jumping jack, and lay. You can find it at

Slither hither weirdos and witches, here is my chat with Kamen Ross...


"Yellow Rose" video by Kamen Ross:
ALL EPISODES / INFO can be found at

† “PRAGMAGICK is A MULTI-MEDIA GRIMOIRE conjured, conducted and curated by REVEL KEATS ROSS and produced through the  occult-media collective, WE THE HALLOWED (W†H)

† Become a patron saint and a "sacred self" of WE THE HALLOWED and support the show monthly at http://www.PATREON.COM/PRAGMAGICK For unreleased interviews, zines, original music, magicks, arts, spellcrafts and episodes before they air

† Donations accepted through PAYPAL: [email protected]
† Original Theme / Music : “The TETHER” By DAKOTA SLIM from 2018’s CACTUS CROWN available at: ©