On compassion in the context of activism, building a culture of care, and cultivating enthusiasm to save our democracy.

Being radically human [2:42] Sharing peace in a way that incites action [4:24] Our responsibility to each other. Information and discernment [6:21] Planting seeds of love and compassion [12:52] Changing our opinions over time [18:00] Immigration detainment camps. Focusing on human values [22:28] Leading with what inspires us [27:13] Operating from our humanity when we disagree [31:09] What needs healing [40:37] Favourite view [43:00] Prayer [43:40]

Reggie is a leading activist, strategist, and teacher with experience in fields ranging from global marketing, digital and community organizing, government relations, international education to Presidential campaigning. He currently serves as a senior political strategist for a leading progressive organization, a hybrid of communications, public speaking, strategy, relationship building, issue advocacy, mass mobilizations and electoral campaign work.

Reggie is also a 500 hour certified yoga teacher and author of a thesis entitled, "Yoga and Spiritual Activism: Serving Humanity from a Sense of Devotion and Love." He has studied extensively with leading teachers such as Faith Hunter, Amy Ippolitti, Yogarupa Rod Stryker, Sri Dharma Mittra as well as many amazing teachers along the way. He teaches Members of Congress, Congressional Staff, leading progressive organizations and individuals, sharing techniques for growing peace and ease as a foundation, not an afterthought in his teaching practice, Active Peace Yoga.

In July 2020, Reggie helped launch a grassroots campaign along with David Lipsius, Amy Ippoliti, Jack Kornfeld and Tara Brach called Buddhists and Yogis United. This is an effort to share information and inspire teachers and their respective communities to encourage active civic participation in the upcoming election and beyond. The times require our active engagement in social change - we must move beyond talk toward courageous and inspired action.

He holds a BA in Philosophy from Yale, and an international MBA from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium.


Reggie Hubbard
Buddhist and Yogins United
MoveOn https://front.moveon.org/Rabbit Hole podcast
Op-Ed in The Hill about social justice after George Floyd:
Buddhist and Yogis United Initiative
spiritual activism with Ethan Nichtern and Dharma Vote