It’s so easy to get lost along with the holiday spirit. The tendency to be complacent is present in most healthcare practice owners, their employees, and even the patients.

Although the festivities are bringing in the holiday cheer, never make this the reason to get distracted from your healthcare practice’s goal. You should aim for finishing and starting strong for this year and the next.

In this episode, we will share four tips on how to retain patients past Christmas. The retention program is often overlooked during this time of the year. 

Our patients tend to bring in a lot of excuses that may lead to our practice slowing down after the holiday.

Get your head in the game and create strategies that will help your practice stay on the right path. It starts with scheduling a rebooking conversation with every patient you have onboard and making sure your team is aligned with your goals.

When you strategize the retention program even before the holiday rush, you create an opportunity for your team and practice to have a powerful start for 2022. 

In this episode of the Practice Acceleration Podcast you’ll learn:

The need to step up on your leadership game Why scheduling a rebooking conversation makes a difference The importance of setting goals and monitoring team achievements

You don’t want to come back to a healthcare practice with diminishing clients after enjoying a lovely holiday. Make sure that you have a holiday retention system in place, so your practice is serving patients and generating a ton of profit on Christmas and right through the new year.

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode that tells you the Top 3 Ways to Get New Patients These Holidays go back and check out Episode 216.

You can register for the 5-DAY NEW PATIENT HOLIDAY CHALLENGE here.

P.S If you want to learn more tips about how to get new patients, chat to one of our expert coaches at and see how we can help you! 

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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