If a patient is telling you how to treat them, or if you’re letting them dilute your recommendations down, I’m just going to put this out there…

It’s flat-out unethical. If your patient leaves thinking they’re going to get an outcome when you know that they’re not because they’re not following your treatment, not only is it bad for them, but it’s bad for your reputation as well. 

In this podcast you’ll learn:

1. How to create intention early on in your consult, so they intend to follow your advice on treatment plans
2. The systematic process you need to follow governs people’s buying decisions. 
3. The steps to create the emotional buy-in that paves the way for your patients to get the best outcomes and turn into raving fans of your practice.

If you’re finding that your patients are dictating their own treatment plan instead of following yours, give this podcast a listen.



P.S To find out more about growing a practice that doesn’t depend on you, you should grab a copy of my latest book, The Practice Machine Method at www.practiceaccelerationmethod.com.


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