Struggling with your child? Have you told them "a million times" and it's not sinking in? Are you having a hard time reaching their heart? If so, I hope you're listening to our newest series, CLARITY FOR THE MISSION OF PARENTHOOD.

Childhood is this marvelous but small window of time where we have the privilege of teaching our kids how to navigate life. We don't want to miss the opportunities that are in the obstacles!!

This week we're looking at how OBSTACLES in our child are really OPPORTUNITIES

1. Opportunities to discover your child's unique design and giftings

2. Opportunities to bond as you discover and face life together.

3. Opportunities to teach your child how to navigate life.

We're talking about it as we continue our series, "Clarity for the mission of Parenthood. 

We mamas work hard every day at reaching our children's hearts. It's a BIG, important job, and boy, oh boy, are there a lot of obstacles that stand in the way of our mission.

When it all starts feeling too big and too overwhelming, what can we focus on to reach their hearts?

In "Clarity for the Mission of Motherhood," we learn steps to SIMPLIFY our mission of partnering with God in removing obstacles that stand in the way of reaching the hearts of our children!

Let's talk about it TOGETHER in this new series, Clarity for the Mission of Parenthood.

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"May the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, oh Lord, my Roc...