Practical Wisdom Stories: Soul Searching with Miri Rodriguez: Storytelling to build your brand

Our guest this week Miri Rodriguez is the author of Brand Storytelling. She shares the practical 5 strategies to create a story concept: design, empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test (2:57). She also shares the wisdom she discovered in creating this process: “The first and last step of the cycle is to empathize. I had to learn empathy as a soft skill, which I didn’t know was a thing.”

She also shares how to create more understanding and human connection, “develop cognitive, emotional and compassionate empathy, which can be uncomfortable…all of my content that’s gone viral has been emotionally charged. That’s the power of storytelling. We’re all in it together. We often downplay our stories and think they are ordinary, but that's what makes them extraordinary.” (7:47)

She shares a connection she discovered between work and parenting, “understand their personality type and love language and tailor your approach to the individual.” (17:40)

Her practical wisdom advice: “Learn, like and brand yourself.”

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