Soul Searching with Dee Brake: Finding yourself, a dream job and parenting success during a pandemic

Our guest this week offers insights for managers to create loyal employees who will follow them anywhere, ideas for interviewing with confidence and a framework to build inclusion and respect at work. She also shares her top tip for leading and parenting.

Don’t believe everything you think about interviews. She shares her mental shift that interviewing is a 2-way process. (6:25) “I’m a female in tech, I’m a great catch and I’m here to figure out if you’re good enough to catch me.” This made her realize her own worth and the value of a previous manager who had built connection by sharing his personal stories, built trust by asking questions and created loyalty that made her follow him to a new company.

Her inclusion certificate from Cornell taught her a framework for handling disrespect. First, assume their good intent. Then focus on impact. “When you interrupted me, I lost my key point. In the future can you please ask questions at the end?” This helps us feel empowered and helps others change bad behaviors they likely aren’t intending. (13)

What’s her favorite leadership technique? (18:50) “It’s the same for parenting. #DaleCarnnegie advises to ask questions so they think of consequences. It’s about influence, not power.”

Her practical wisdom: always be open to learning.

She shares the value of self-reflection, thinking of our past and our values, to understand our future. "It helps us communicate better knowing those personal stories."

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