Practical Wisdom Stories: Soul Searching with Cabrelle Abel: Developing Confidence

Our guest this week shares about how to develop confidence to speak up and have difficult conversations. She says, “It doesn’t come naturally for most of us. It’s a skill you develop over time by educating yourself.” She suggests applying the same strategies for volunteering that are successful at work. For example, as an attorney, her first step on a project is to listen and learn. This helps become a trusted business advisor. She followed this same path to approach her company’s Diversity and Inclusion team in January to initiate a discussion group of the Seeing White podcast for her colleagues and write a letter to her organization encouraging social justice. “I made myself vulnerable at work” and it’s been very rewarding. She discovered that being a change agent is often just writing an email or making some calls.

“Home is another sphere we can influence.” Minute 7:45 she shares how to be a change agent as a parent. The confidence of making social change at work also led her to collaborate with her kids’ school to get Stamped as required reading.

Her practical wisdom, “There’s tons of opportunity for us to make small change in the communities we’re already a part of.”

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