Lessons on Leadership from Human Resources, Teachers and Coaches

We can improve success at work and home when we make a stronger connection and apply best practices from all areas of our life. 

Here are 3 techniques to help you get results and peak performance from colleagues, customers and children. 

Core values: Let’s apply the same best practice that our companies use to create culture and foster empathy at home too. Creating family values appeals to noble motives, develops character and shared meaning.Let’s learn from teachers who dramatize the idea using props, songs, mock trials, and costumes to increase retention. Let’s turn on video in virtual meetings to increase engagement and let’s use visual aids to engage our customers and teams to be more memorable.Coaches know that performance improves with a bit of friendly competition. Let’s copy how youth sports creates camaraderie and winning back at work too. When we include awards, prizes, leader boards, and reward personal bests we get better effort and results.

More resources: https://linktr.ee/nikkikloeppel

What’s your work life connection insight?