Free Mindset Training: Get Lucky: 5 Steps to Manifest Abundance & Success December 15th from 12:30p-1:30p PST

My mom grew up poor: in a refugee camp and an immigrant.

Unfortunately, her experience created a mindset of scarcity. Trying to protect me from feeling disappointed, she taught me that “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “there’s no such thing as free lunch."

I had to unlearn this limiting mindset. I learned about the Law of Attraction, watched the movie The Secret, studied Hill, Peale, Chopra, Dyer and tested the principles. Dale Carnegie said his deepest belief was: “Your life is what your thoughts make it” quoting philosopher Marcus Aurelius.

Please join this free interactive workshop and learn the life changing spiritual laws of the universe to develop an abundance mindset. Learn how you can apply the power of thoughts, words, images, emotions and actions to help you deliberately create a life of greater luck and prosperity. Test out the principles of faith, asking, giving, receiving, and contrast to see how you can intentionally feel more joy.

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