Bethany McDaniel is a farmer’s wife, mother of two young kids, and founder of Primally Pure.

In this podcast, you’ll hear how small detox tweaks transformed Bethany’s life. Starting with detoxing just her facial moisturizer, and then her diet, Bethany’s skin became healthier than ever.

These experiences led Bethany, in 2015, to launch her gorgeous brand, Primally Pure—a line of natural skincare and personal care products that are made with clean, certified organic, and consciously sourced ingredients. 

We also talk about Bethany’s entrepreneurial path and how she balances work and healthy family living as well as her morning and evening self-care routines, kitchen staples, the healthy recipes that her kids eat, her top 3 priorities for practical nontoxic living, and much more.

I really appreciated learning about Bethany’s early start as an entrepreneur, and how she applies her health-consciousness into practice because real life is hectic, messy, unpredictable, and nonlinear. She's so practical too! Bethany's advice for those who aren't ready yet to dive deep into detoxing your personal care products:

"There's so much that people can do with ingredients that they have in their pantry if they aren't ready to ... buy all the products."

Learn more about Primally Pure:

Primally Pure website @primallypure on Instagram

Support your Practical Nontoxic Living:

A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures D-Tox Academy, an online library to support your detox of chemicals, heavy metals, and EMFs from your home, diet, self-care, and technology. Home Detox Workbook: Checklists to Eliminate Toxic Chemicals EMF Detox Workbook: Checklists to Recover from Electromagnetic Exposure For a customized detox deep dive with Sophia, email [email protected] Free Ruan Living newsletter

Special thanks to podcast producer Chris Robertson.

Click here for podcast show notes.


Important note: Nothing in this podcast should be interpreted as medical advice. This podcast shares the experience of the individuals and their opinions are their own.