The LIGHTMAKER podcast is a carefully curated collection of interviews with heart centered change makers and spiritual entrepreneurs designed to ignite your inner light and guide you in creating a life that lights you up!

In this intro episode, Cassandra Bodzak, our host, shares with us her personal journey from going from barely functioning to flying! Her dark night of the soul left her on her bathroom floor wondering how to go on and through a series of enlightening events she found her spiritual practice and started creating a life she loves.

CASSANDRA BODZAK is a global meditation + wellness teacher. She’s an author, speaker, TV personality and works with clients one on one all over the world. She merges the food and spirituality conversation to help people create a life the LIGHTS them up from the inside out. She has been seen on ABC’s The Taste,'s healthy cooking video series and in the newly launched "Eat with Intention TV" a cooking show all about eating from a place of self-love.

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Also, get her free Beginner's Guide to Bliss audio at

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