When bringing on new leaders and/or staff, there are some important things that can make the transition healthy for the long haul. In this episode, we share 5 pitfalls that are easy to miss when bringing on new leaders

Welcome to episode 300 of Practical Church Planting. 

Here are the pitfalls we discuss in this episode:

Being too accommodating Not asking the uncomfortable but needed questions Inconsistent follow-up Not being clear on what will not change Not encouraging their feedback and input ---------------------------------------- Mission Support

Mission Support knows you want to be effective in ministry, but if you are like most pastors you probably feel like you never have enough time, energy or expertise to get everything done.  

Mission support comes alongside pastors like you as a guide to provide the expertise to do the things you don’t know how to do and give you back the time you desperately need. 

So whether it is bookkeeping, SEO, Payroll, websites or one of our other services, talk with a guide today at missionsupport.com and go from feeling scattered to focused on your mission. It’s possible to love being a pastor again. 

Preaching prep webinar

On Thursday, November 3, at 2 PM Eastern, Dylan will be hosting a training on sermon prep. He'll walk through his sermon writing routine, share some practical tips on how to make your sermon/teaching prep more seamless, and answer your questions.

Duration: Roughly 60 minutes. 30 minutes of walking through my routine and sharing tips. Up 15-30 minutes of live Q & A. Click here to register.


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You can also watch the video version of the podcast on our YouTube channel.