#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Kirk Williams (@PPCKirk)

Q1 Do you actively manage Shopping Ads, or, are you new to Shopping and hoping to learn more in this chat?

Q2 Let's talk P12Mo Shopping Ads changes. What is new or notable that you think is worth calling out in Shopping Ads (late 2018 or upcoming 2019 changes accepted!).

Q3 Are you testing bidding automation solutions in Shopping Ads? Any takeaways or learnings to share with the class? What do you love, what do you hate about what you have tried?

Q4 In the brave new world, do you still find advanced manual bidding/segmentation strategies (or others) like Query Filtering to work for you in Shopping? Share your findings! 

Q5  It's Smart Shopping time! What are your thoughts? Like or dislike? Explain your answer.

Q6 Prediction Time: If Smart Shopping / New UI happened in 2018, what do you think will be the biggest change to Shopping Ads in 2019?

Q7 What do you think of Google opening up PLAs to appear in organic search? What impact do you see this having on paid Shopping Ads, if any? 

Q8 For those who run Shopping on Bing as well, what is something you like about Bing Shopping? What is something you would like to see changed?



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