#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Akvile (ahk-vee-lah)(@akvertise)
Q1 Are you actively testing Instagram specific ads campaigns? If so, what results have you seen? If not, do you plan to test them soon?
Q2 Do Instagram Ads work for any niche or are there some types of businesses where it wouldn’t make sense?
Q3 What challenges do you or your clients face when it comes to creating content for IG ads? How are you addressing them?
Q4 Native and Expandable Stories Carousel ads have been a game changer for many of our clients. How have you been utilizing them? If so, how?
Q5 Instagram Stories Ads broken out into their own ad sets perform tend to perform better. Are you grouping them with other placements or separating them? What results have you seen?
Q6 Instagram Story polls are great for gathering intel and driving engagement. What are some ways you have or could use polls in your ads?
Q7 Have you seen more success lately with Instagram Feed or Stories Ads? What did you find worked best for that placement?
Q8 I recently spotted this very creative example that I want to create our own spin on for some ecommerce client remarketing campaigns. It not only makes it engaging for the user, it gives them an incentive to tap further and to increase the chances of a conversion.