#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Courtney Cox Wakefield (@CourtEWakefield)

Q1 What inclusivity challenges have you encountered with your campaigns? 

Q2 How do you communicate inclusivity in your PPC campaigns?

Q3 How can you integrate inclusive signals into your ads without obscuring your mainstream message?

Q4 What can you do when a user's marginalized identity isn't revealed in their query?

Q5 How do you integrate targeting into your PPC campaigns to promote inclusivity?

Q6 How have you convinced leaders or clients to invest in inclusive PPC campaigns?

Q7 Why are inclusive campaigns important to you?

Q8 How do you identity which messages resonate with marginalized parts of your audience?

Q9 hould we customize our ad copy for marginalized groups? If so, how can paid search platforms make that easier?
