#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 What are some assumptions you make regularly when it comes to client accounts? Do they differ by platform, industry, etc.?

Q2 Have you had experiences where you learned that your assumptions were incorrect? How did that happen? What did you do?

Q3 Is there a particular area(s) where you think assumptions are most dangerous for accounts?

Q4 What causes you to reevaluate assumptions you or your team have made? How do you handle this when you realize your premise may be faulty?

Q5 Do you find it easy or difficult to take a look at your assumptions? Are you aware of the assumptions you and/or your team makes? Is questioning or challenging them encouraged?

Q6 What assumptions do you run into on the client-side of things? (Assumptions clients make).

Q7 How do you try to challenge client assumptions when necessary? Any tips to share on how to do this tactfully?

Q8 What assumption do you wish would go away forever (on our side and/or on the client-side)?