#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Amalia Fowler (@amaliaefowler)

Q1 How did you get into PPC?

Q2 What do you wish you knew in the beginning that you know now? What would you tell Day 1 you?

Q3 What has been the biggest learning experience for you in your career - either a specific event, or client, or experience, etc

Q4 What do you think education programs are missing or lacking in regards to digital or PPC?

Q5 What advice do you have for someone interested in pursuing a career in PPC? 

Q6 What advice do you have for someone interested in pursuing a career in PPC? 

Final Thoughts

- Art of paid traffic, 
- The PPC show, 
- FB Ads with a Twang, 
- Age of Persuasion, 
- Professional AF from @dianakander
- Recode Decode from @karaswisher
- MarTech podcast
- Akimbo (Seth Godin)
- The Brainfluence
- Experts on the Wire (SEO)
- Growth Marketing Toolbox
- Hidden Brain
- Inside Intercom (product marketing)
- Social Media Marketing
- Grow with Quora ;)