Q1 At their event next week Google Ads will be announcing new features – what Google Ads feature of the past few years has been truly innovative, in your opinion?

Q2 What feature or change by Google Ads has impacted you most significantly?

Q3 What feature or change by Google Ads has felt like a step backwards?

Q4 What feature or change by Google Ads has made your work easier?

Q5 If you could request a new feature or change for Google Ads, what would it be and why?

Q6 What are your predictions for their announcements at this year’s Google Marketing Live event? What do you think they will be rolling out?

Q7 If you were talking to a Google Ads product manager, what would you say to them?

Q8 What are the things you most want to know from Google Ads about where their product is headed? (I will be at the event next week and will ask as many questions as I can for us!).

Register for Google Marketing live here:



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