Next Episode: EP45 - Apps

#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)

Q1 How would you sum up the first quarter of this year? Has it been about the same as Q4 of 2018 or different? Similar to Q1 of 2018 or different? If it has been different, how so?

Q2 Have you done anything new this quarter? How is it going?

Q3 Have you retired or stopped doing anything this quarter? If so, why and how it is going?

Q4 What, if any, changes (by the platforms) have impacted you this quarter? How so?

Q5 What is something you had hoped to try or implement in Q1 that you did not get to do? Will you do it in Q2?

Q6 What is your attitude about Q2 – are you seeing things in your advertising industries that make you feel positive or negative about the coming quarter? Why?

Q7 What is your biggest concern heading into Q2?

Q8 What are you most excited about heading into Q2?