#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Duane Brown (@duanebrown)

Q1 What's the best part and highlight of your weekend?

Q2 Does everyone know what customer retention is? How do you explain it to others in marketing, your boss/client? 

Q3 Do you do customer retention for brands you work on now? If you said no, what is stopping you? For those who said yes, what are some of the industries you are doing this for? Curious what we will hear outside of e-commerce which is a given.

Q4 For my B2B peeps today, what are you finding works best with retention? Is it cross-selling or up selling? We will get to you ecom/B2C folks next... don't worry, can't let me B2B fam not get some love today.

Q5 For ecom, what are you finding works well? Time to find your tribe with this question.

Q6 Are you combining what you do in paid ads retention with email or organic social? I know Klaviyo email marketing is a huge player in this space. I have not used them though


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